Thursday, January 31, 2013

Summary and main points of Chapter 9?

In the book In the Time of Butterflies
Chapter 9 is Dede's explanation of her own desire to try and be a part of her
sister's commitment but then again he commitment to her own family.  She had been having
marital problems between her husband and herself.  She had chosen to see the town priest
and she realized that he was part of the underground

When Dede returned home her husband had taken off
with the boys and gone to his mothers.  She was in a panic.  Part of her had wanted to
be part of what her sisters were doing but she could not risk losing her boys.  Her
sisters and brothers in law wen with her to talk to Jaimito at the mother-in-law's
home.  Dede ended up getting back with her husband and they went on a trip to where they
had gone on their honeymoon.  However, something inside her had

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