Saturday, February 2, 2013

Is Israel a racist state and has Israel engaged in genocide against Palestinians?

First of all, I do not think that you can say Israel practices genocide since the population of Palestinians in Israel has increased from 156,000 in 1948 to more than a million.  As to whether Israel is a racist state; this is much more problematic.  In its inception, Israel was not a racist state, but after years of Arab attacks and internal rebellions, Israel may have a more racist attitude than previously.  It is important to remember that when Israel became a nation, there had been no Palestinian state, nor a state of Jordan, or Lebanon for more than 1000 years if ever.  The original Israeli government never asked Palestinian people to move, or leave the country but at the urging of other newly founded Arab states such as Jordan, they left in droves.  There they have never been resettled by the countries who invited them to come, but have spent generations in refugee camps.

There is a definite economic gap in Israel between Palestinians and Jews who live there, and while some of the gap is definitely due to discrimination, much of it may also be due to self imposed separatism and revolt.  Israel is not perfect in any sense, but I believe that much of their prejudice against Palestinians came after the many Arab Wars rather than before.

Some of this information comes from Western Civilization, by Jackson Spielvogel.

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