Thursday, September 10, 2015

In "The Great Gatsby," why couldn't Nick get anyone to come to Gatsby's funeral?

Nick couldn't get people to come to Gatsby's funeral because nearly all the people who Gatsby knew or who knew him were people who simply had used him to get something from him.  The people who came to his parties simply wanted a good time, free food, and free drink.  Klipspringer was just a mooch, a parasite, who lived with one rich host after another always sponging from them.  Wolfshiem said that he preferred to honor people when they were alive, but he couldn't afford to be too closely associated with a case that might bring him under legal scrutiny either since his living was made mostly illegally.  Daisy and Tom left the country in their usual irresponsible, uncaring way.  As long as Gatsby was alive and could give people something, those people were his "friends", but as soon as he died, he was nothing more than some poor schmuck whom nobody knew.

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