Monday, March 21, 2011

I need an example of hyperbole and classical allusion in Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet.

Hyperbole is "exaggeration for the sake of emphasis." In Act I, scene 1, there is hyperbole when Sampson says, "I will tear down the castle wall of any man or maid of Montague’s."

You will find a classical allusion in the same scene. After the Prince has warned the Capulets and Montagues to stop disturbing the peace or else, Montague says how glad he is that Romeo wasn't involved. He goes on to say that Romeo has not been himself; he is depressed because he has lost his lady love. Then Montague says:

But just as soon as the sun (which should make you happy)
Moves well above the horizon, as the Goddess of Morning Aurora
Draws back the shady bed curtains from her bed,
My depressed son runs away from the light and comes home,
And locks himself in his bedroom,

In Roman mythology, Aurora is the goddess of dawn who brings the light of day. Keep looking. I'm sure you can find more.

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