Tuesday, June 3, 2014

From A Thounsand Splendid Suns, discuss the thematic significance of the phrase listed below.From A Thounsand Splendid Suns, "One could not count...

The thematic significance of the quote,

"One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs, or the thousand splendid suns...,"  

is that the author is trying to convey that although the country of Afghanistan is so restrictive and ugly towards women, there is great beauty and hope when one looks at the roof tops under the sun. 

Women in Afghanistan have been restricted for centuries by the men in their lives.  They have to succumb to their every wish and desire, and they are often treated like dogs.  However, beneath all of the confinement, the women continue to see the splendor and beauty in their lives through the little daily joys that they can find.  The women like the roofs are the beauty of the country.

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