Saturday, May 2, 2015

How does Scout change during the course of the novel To Kill A Mockingbird?

Scout matures from her experiences in the novel. At the beginning of the novel, she is innocent and naive. By the end of the novel, she has lost much of her innocence due mostly to the events surrounding Tom Robinson's trial. She understands more about life and people. She learns about prejudice and intolerance when she witnesses the trial of Tom Robinson and sees how ugly people can be when they are racists and bigots. She also learns this lesson about Boo Radley who has been made out to be a monster. At the end of the book, she learns what a good, kind man Arthur Radley really is.

Scout also matures from the time she spends with the people who live around her and with her. Calpurnia teaches Scout manners, such as the time Cecil Jacobs comes home to eat lunch with them. Scout comments on Cecil pouring syrup all over his food, and Calpurnia scolds her for it. Miss Maudie teaches Scout about her father and the beliefs Atticus holds dear. She tells Scout why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird and comments on some of the other people in the town.

Atticus has the biggest influence on Scout. At the beginning, she wishes Atticus was younger and more active, like other fathers. As the book progresses, she begins to respect Atticus for his courage and his ways of parenting. By the end of the book, Scout is on her way to becoming a young woman whom Atticus can be proud of.

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