Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What is the character analysis of Candida?

Candida, one of the great female charaters in the history of English drama, is the dominationg character in the play "Candida" by partarchial G. B. Shaw. Through the character of Candida Shaw proves that women are not velnerable, they have their own existance upon the planet.

Candida was a caring wife, mother and greate woman. Though she was misbehaved by two male charaters........his husband Morell and a boy Eugene Marchbanks, she didnt loose her temper nor repentence or feel sorry, but on the other hand she made them realise that they were wrong. Her character was bold, impressive, pious and inspirational. By all means she is equal to Nora (heroine of Ibsen's Dolls House). She paved the way for the women of the society to be bold and candid like her, if they are not worng by any means. 

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