Saturday, January 8, 2011

Who are two people who influences Obama in Dreams from My Father?Describe Obama's relationship with his mother, grandmother, and grandfather. What...

Can't answer all of those in a 90 word space, but let's
get you started.  Barack Obama writes of being heavily influenced by two people, his
mother and his grandfather.  Having only seen his father on two occasions, his
grandfather became his substitute father.  His mother raised him, with their help, and
took a direct role in his education.

The only negatives I
can think of from his mother is that she remarried and then moved the family to
Indonesia for a few years when he was pretty young.  While it was part of his formative
ears, along with the loss of his father, that had to be pretty traumatic.  Guess he
turned out OK though, huh? Good question.

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