Friday, October 14, 2011

My younger brother who is 19 years old is suffering from night terror disorder. I want to know if there is any cure for this? He is 19 years old...

As far as I know, there is no prescription cure for night terrors. However, you could try a few of the following:

1) Your brother could sleep with a noise machine in his room. This could help him fall into REM sleep and decreases the chance of an isolated noise disturbing him while in a deep sleep. My little sister's night terrors were often triggered by a slight noise.

2) Your brother could be sure to get to bed before he is overly tired, and have a relaxation time 30 minutes prior to going to bed.

3) Your brother could crack a window or have a fan blowing on him (this could also be his noise machine). Becoming overheated also can trigger night terrors.

Best of luck. I hope he is able to overcome this!

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