Monday, October 31, 2011

What impact did the Vietnam war have on Vietnam and Cambodia?

Well, of course the Vietnam War was very devastating to
the country of Vietnam.  Both the North and South were hurt badly.  In the North, there
was a lot of bombing by American planes.  There were also lots and lots of soldiers who
were killed in combat.  Finally, the people had to make do with very little in the way
of food and other necessities during the war.

In the South,
the US sprayed Agent Orange to kill plants.  This hurt the people economically (killed
crops) and it led to major health problems for many people.  As in the North, many
people were killed by both sides.  Many people were moved from their homes and became

So, as you would expect from a war that went on
for years, it really hurt the Vietnamese people a lot.

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