Friday, August 16, 2013

heat!!!what are 6 ways in which heat enters the house in summer. also link me a diagram of heat entering the house, if possible. thank you v. much

Orientation of the home also matters in this instance. For
example, the front of my home faces the east. There is a room upstairs which has a very
large window and a cathedral ceiling. There are already three strikes against keeping
this room cool in the summer. First of all, the sun shines directly into the room in the
morning because the sun rises in the east. Second, heat rises (second floor). Third,
there is the cathedral ceiling which means there is no attic. The heat has nowhere to go
but to stay in the room.

There are many other ways that
homes retain heat. For example, using the oven creates heat. Heat also enters through
windows. One way to prevent this from happening is by covering windows with solar

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