The first time Beowulf tried to strike Grendel's mother with the sword, Hrunting, given to him by Unferth, nothing happened and he realized that no man-made sword could cut through her skin. Beowulf dropped the sword and it lay on the floor of Grendel's mother's lair. When Beowulf continued to fight the monster and she was on him, trying to strike him with her own dagger, he saw the sword on the wall. This sword was made by and blessed by giants. This time when he swung at Grendel's mother, he sliced off her head. With her dead, Beowulf went in search of Grendel's body and lopped off his head. The sword, now covered in blood from both monsters, melted like ice and was gone except for the hilt which Beowulf brought to the surface along with Grendel's head. Beowulf presented both of these treasures to Hrothgar.
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