Wednesday, March 2, 2016

I need some help listing major events from 1960-1965.

The Civil Rights Movement heats up in the 1960s.

"On 1 February 1960 four black college students from North Carolina A&T University seated themselves at a whites-only lunch counter in a Greensboro, North Carolina, Woolworth's store and refused to leave until served. By the end of the year some 70,000 participants had staged lunch-counter sit-ins in 150 towns and cities, and more than 3,600 had been arrested."

In 1960, John F. Kennedy became the youngest man elected to the office of the presidency.  He was 43 years old.

On November 22, 1963, JFK was assassinated while touring the city of Dallas, Texas. 

"The accused assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald (1939–1963), was murdered two days later by local nightclub owner Jack Ruby (1911–1967). Oswald was an avowed Marxist and once attempted to become a Soviet citizen."

"On January 11, 1964, the U.S. Surgeon General issues a warning that cigarette smoking is a leading cause of lung cancer, bronchitis, heart and other diseases. He says that "remedial action" is needed to combat this health hazard. In June the Federal Trade Commission announces that warning labels will be required on all cigarette packs starting in 1965."

For more information, click on the links below.

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