Friday, May 25, 2012

What often happened at antiwar demonstrations in the early 1970s?Looking to find (2 or 3) specific examples to support your answer.

Colleges were often places where demonstrations were held
and they often turned violent, especially after the Kent State shootings. Some things
that occurred were arson, bombings, and vandalism. An example of the violence that
occurred is what happened at Kent State on May 4, 1970. Four peaceful protesters were
killed by National Guardsmen during a rally, and others were injured. This greatly
angered people.

In response to the Kent State shootings
there was a protest called the Kent State/Cambodia Incursion Protest. It happened in
Washington DC. Thousands of people marched even though it was put together very

Strikes were often a result of opposition to the
war as well. An example is the National Student Strike. During this protest, more than
four million students refused to go to school resulting in many colleges being shut down
for the duration. Four hundred and fifty colleges were involved.

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