Friday, June 29, 2012

Does anybody know where I can get some really good information on the devolpment and evolution of plants? I need some oinfo on the evolution of...

The University of California has several web sites on this, and I would start with the following:

From there you can move on to the following pages (and lots more):

"Plantae: Systematics" ( Systematics are evolutionary trees - kind of like an evolutionary road map or family trees.

The "Web Geological Time Machine" ( is an interactive time line. By clicking on the specific era, you are taken to a page with good information about the plant life of that age, as well as geological information.

The Tree of Life Project can be found at ( ). Its pages are linked together much like a systematic; that is, they are heirarchical going from the broader groups and moving out to individual branches of species.

Plants, specifically, can be found under Eukaryota, organisms with cells that have a nucleus.

While I have not specifically found a "time line," this information is easily found on the web sites mentioned.

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