Saturday, June 30, 2012

What were the causes of the East Timor conflict?

Before World War II, East Timor was actually a Portuguese colonial empire, under the Dutch East Indies. The Netherlands had claimed the western part of the island while the Portuguese claimed the eastern part of the island. These two empire was the sole cause for the conflict in east timor during the 17th to 21st Century. They were locked in a battle for supremacy and territorial control, leading to increased tension between the two warring empires. Following the war, the Dutch East Indies called it a day and gained its independence, forming a new country, Indonesia. This cause a unfavorable situation to break out into a bloody mess.

The horrible conflict in that country was due to one main factor, the control of its main oil resources, and Indonesia huge appetite for control and dominion over many territories, showing its power-hungry ambitions to control the whole country. To gain full independence, they used aggressive measures to push the Portuguese part out of their country, until they pulled out in 1975. East Timor later fall under a long period of civil and political unrest, and was crippled with many external and internal problems that caused the structure of its economy to collapse. The Timorese didn't want to be under the brutal Indonesian regime so they rebel and undergo many strikes and demonstrations and frequent attacks and assaults to overthrow the empire. They refused to become part of the new dictatorship regime, so they rebelled, and so start a long-term conflict with many deaths and many wounded.

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