Saturday, July 27, 2013

As earthworms crawl through tightly packed soil, they break it apart, making it more porous. Why would this be good for plants?

Earth worm is called the friend of the farmer and plants.
Because their part is great in the ecofriendly space. The earthworm converts the organic
matters like dead plant parts, leaves etc into humus. The humus is extremely plant
nutrient.The earth worm plows and burrows the earth creating its tunnels. This helps air
circulation and conserve the water content of the soil. The action helps plant spread
the roots farther and deeper in the soil besides having easy acces to their nutrient
resource in the soil.The earth worms are even capable of ingesting rough soil particles
and even small stones (1.25 mm wide) and it is digested and cast out as excreta of
smooth paste. Their excreta is also rich with mineral , nitrogen , phosphate and potash
contents that are a required by plants.

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