Wednesday, July 10, 2013

In To Kill a Mockingbird, what does Aunt Alexandra think about the Cunninghams?

Scout has always been a tom-boy. She likes doing the things Jem and Dill do. She was raised by Atticus, so really all she knows is how to play with the boys. Walter Cunningham is a school friend who at first she fights with but later enjoys playing with. When Aunt Alexandra comes to stay with them, she tells Atticus that Scout needs to be more ladylike; she needs a good woman's influence in her life. 

Aunt Alexandra wants Scout to be a lady. She doesn't think Atticus has done a very good job of providing her with a good female role model. Of course, Atticus has done the best he can do, but Aunt Alexandra believes that she will be the one to be an influence on young Scout. When Scout wants to play with Walter, Aunt Alexandra absolutely refuses. She thinks the Cunninghams are nothing but trash and not a good influence on Scout. 

Aunt Alexandra has in her mind the way she thinks young girls should be raised. She doesn't think Scout should continue to behave the way she has; she believes that she has come just in time to help Scout. Of course, Scout is furious with Aunt Alexandra interfering with her life, but by the end Scout does come to respect her.

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