Sunday, July 14, 2013

What is McBride's main argument in The Color of Water?I do not understand what it is. At first I thought about racism, but then it goes on about...

I think that McBride's main argument is closely tied to
his title, and that while most would associate that title with race, McBride intends for
his readers to realize--as he did--that in regards to race, religion, and education,
humans cannot think everything is either black or white.  The mature McBride looks back
on his life and realizes that if everybody viewed every area of the human existence
clearly (the color of water) and neutrally, then we would have far fewer controversies,
whether they be connected to race, religion, etc.

regards to the second part of your question, McBride has to discuss religion and
education because they played just as significant a role in his life as his mixed
ethnicity did.  While his mother was white, and that certainly created controversy for
her and her children, she was also Jewish, and her family would not have approved of her
marrying anyone (black or white) who was not Jewish. Similarly, when McBride's mother
seeks to get the best education possible for her children, she must combat not only
segregation based on race but also differences in religious philosophy with the

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