Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What is "linin"? Why do people in Calpurnia's church use it?Why does Calp. speak the dialect of the "colored folks"when she is in her church?

Calpurnia lives in two worlds, a white world and a black
world.  She is well aware that she is expected to behave and present a certain way when
she is among each group and those behaviors and speech are very

Calpurnia is a unique individual but very much
like many women of her day.  She has spent her life taking care of white people and
their children and homes.  Yet, it is clear that she respects Atticus and feels
fortunate to be able to work for someone who respects her color and does not degrade the
black people. 

When she takes the children to the church it
ais an awakening for them because they have the opportunity to learn tha dialects are
cultural and in the south, at the time, race related.  In many ways Calpurnia
demonstrates her high level of intelligence by showing and explaining to the children
the difference between the ways one must present ones self.

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