Tuesday, July 30, 2013

In "Death of a Salesman," what evidence demonstrates that Willy misses the distinction between being loved and being well liked?

In "Death of a Salesman",Willy worries about how the outside world sees him.He wants to do well by his family,but his real obsession is that outsiders will like him.For example,Willy lies to make himself seem better to others.He pretends he is a much more successful business man than he really is.He tells Biff how important impressions will be when Biff gets older and has to go into the real world.Willy does not worry that Biff is not doing all of his schoolwork because he feels Biff will always be better off because he is good looking, talented and can tell people what they like to hear,very different from Bernard who is awkward, shy but very intelligent.Willy makes his opinions clear in the flashbacks that he feels his son is better than Bernard because of these facts.

If Willy was more concerned with being loved,he would worry more about his wife.Willy would make sure she had new stockings instead of his mistress.Linda, who has always been there for him even though times were tough,is put to the back because he is more concerned about what his mistress will think of him.Willy clearly lets the desire to be well liked rule every other aspect with his life, clearly making his family suffer because of it.

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