Sunday, July 21, 2013

What is a good hook/catchy sentence regarding the children of the Holocaust?I am writing a research paper regarding the children of the Holocaust....

My best advice is to save your introduction for the very end.  Write the entire body of your paper first.  I think your hook will present itself once you've said everything you are going to say.  Not to mention, after absorbing yourself in the research for such a topic, you yourself might be pretty emotional.  Hooks come best out of strong emotion - and only you can find that.

Also thought I'd pass along a great resource for your research.  There's a book, I Never Saw Another Butterfly, which is a collection of poetry and art by the children at the Terezin ghetto.  It is wonderful.  You could probably find it at the library - or talk to some of the teachers at your school who are most interested in the Holocaust.  I've found it to be pretty easy to come by if you don't want to purchace a copy for yourself.

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