Monday, July 8, 2013

In "The Bet," who won the bet and who won the argument?Between the Lawyer and the Banker.

I think that the lawyer won the bet, he remained in the prison, as he said he would.  He accomplished his end of the bargain, while the banker, was left for 15 years to prepare to pay the money, and ends up in financial trouble, trying to find a way out of the bet.

In the fifteen years of confinement, the lawyer was left almost completely alone, except for the many books that he reads.  Through this process, he becomes wise and deeply spiritual about life.  He rejects material possessions, thereby refusing to take the money from the banker.

Instead of confinement stealing a man's life, the lawyer proved that confinement enriched a life, his own.

The banker has squandered his time, learning nothing about the value of life. He has not grown richer, either materially or spiritually.  He is guilty, not only of being pampered in his life, but also for treating the lawyer the way he did.  The banker was very harsh to the prisoner.  There was a lesson for both of the characters to learn, but unfortunately, the banker keeps the lawyer at a distance and doesn't treat him properly, and misses an opportunity to learn from him. The banker remains shallow and unenlightened.  

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