Thursday, May 26, 2011

How does Chapter 5 of Frankenstein link to the key themes in the novel?

Chapter V is where Victor brings the creature to life.  He had worked for nearly two years to make his dream come true, and now that it finally had, he is repulsed.  

The themes include playing God, scientific advancements, parent/child relationships.  Victor has no business attempting to create or bring the dead back to life, yet he has spent two years attempting that very thing.  Once he is successful, he runs from it.  This brings us to the parent/child relationships.  How would you feel if when you were born, your mother and father ran and shrieked at the sight of you?  I'd say that would be pretty demoralizing and horrible.  So, the creature is abandoned by his own creator/"father" and he has nothing but his own resources to fall back upon.  Later, the creature tells us he was born a benevolent creature, but without the knowledge of survival that parents are supposed to teach their offspring.  Because of this, the creature learns many hard knocks and ultimately this leads him to feeling angry and vengeful toward Victor. 

What this tells us about 19th Century life is that many people had concerns about where science and the advancements made were going.  Much like today with our debates over stem-cell research and what is and what isn't "right," they were concerned. 

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