Sunday, May 15, 2011

What are some recurring motifs (symbols) in the novel Pride and Prejudice?

"Pride and Prejudice" deals with  matters concerning the important thematic connection between money,wealth and marriage. Although, there are no overt symbols there are subtle indicators which emphasise the financial status of a character.

One such indicator is the mode of transport which the character uses.

The  chaise and four in which Bingley visits Netherfield for the first time, clearly emphasises his rich financial status (Ch.1.) Similarly,in Ch.56 Lady Catherine a very rich lady visits the Bennets in a chaise and four. Only very rich people could afford to own  and maintain four horses as a means of private transport.

In Ch.7 the conversation after Jane reads aloud the note from Catherine Bingley revals to us that the Bennets have a carriage and a coach (a covered carriage) but not separate horses for them. Similarly, the Hursts although they have a chaise of their own do not have separate horses for it, unlike Bingley who owns a chaise alongwith the  horses for it.

In Ch.53. on  his second visit to Hertfordshire, Bingley visits the Bennets after entering  the paddock-the place where horses are kept-and then "rides towards the house."  Although, Elizabeth spent six weeks at Hunsford there is no reference to Collins owning a carriage leave alone having a paddock.

Darcy's very rich  superior status is emphasised in Ch.44. He and his sister use a curricle-a two wheeled carriage pulled by two horses side by side-to visit Elizabeth at the inn.

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