Thursday, May 26, 2011

What is meant by lights going out in the middle of dinner in "The Glass Menagerie"?

The lights going out in the middle of dinner have both a literal meaning, Tom did not pay the electric bill, and a figurative meaning, it is a foreshadowing of what will happen to Amanda and Laura at the end of the play.

During the dinner with the gentleman caller, Jim, the lights go out because Tom has neglected, on purpose, to pay the electric bill, using the money instead to pay his dues as a Merchant Seaman.  Tom is planning to leave his mother and sister very soon.

The foreshadowing occurs because Williams gives us an indication of what will happen to Amanda and Laura, they will be left both literally and figuratively in the dark when Tom abandons them.

Amanda and Laura depend on Tom for financial support, when he walks out on them, they are stranded in the dark, with no money to pay the electric bill, and no options. 

Laura is left with darkness when Jim, the gentleman caller, admits to being engaged to another girl.  Her one chance at happiness is cut short.  Laura is abandoned by her brother, who can no longer put up with their mother's nagging and demanding ways. 

Amanda's world goes dark as she is shocked and saddened by learning of Jim's status as an engaged man and Tom's abrupt and angry exit from the apartment.

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