Saturday, May 14, 2011

What is the American Dream? What is the American Dream? Do you believe many people in America are living this dream? How do people reach that goal?...

The American Dream is different for different people.  Mostly, it is being successful.  Of course, "successful" is a relative term.  If you've never had a house or a car, then successful means that you have these items. 

In any case, many people come from all over the world in order to "make it big."  To become rich, have a nice house, a nice car, nice clothes.

People reach the goal by making good financial decisions, living within the means of your salary, and not getting into the credit card tarpit.  Set the goal, make a plan to get there, and work the plan.  Once the goal is reached, repeat.

The positive consequences include pride in a job well-done. The negative consequences can be debt.

There are many people living the American Dream.  It is true for people of all ethnic groups, religious groups, sexual orientation, gender, and social class.  It takes determination and hard work. It takes work ethic--not "get rich quick" schemes.  No one reaches the American Dream living on welfare and social programs.  Those programs are there for temporary relief, not as a way of life.

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