Saturday, May 14, 2011

What are the major competing companies for Bayer Animal Health?

Bayer Animal Health is a company dedicated to the health and treatment of animals, not just dogs and cats, but livestock, horses, etc. Another company that competes in this industry is called Pfizer Animal Health.

 "At Pfizer Animal Health, a passion for the health and wellness of animals – and a commitment to research – combine to help protect the health of pets and farm animals and the productivity of livestock."

"Novartis Animal Health is at the forefront of new and better treatments for the most common pet ailments, such as internal and external parasites, arthritic pain control, renal, heart and allergic diseases as well as insecticides for farm fly and pest control. For livestock and farmed fish diseases, we offer prevention through vaccination as well as therapeutic products to treat parasitic and bacterial infections".

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