Saturday, May 28, 2011

In "The Kite Runner", why is Baba disappointed by Amir's decision to become a writer?During their argument about his career path, Amir thinks to...

Amir sacrificed his soul for what he believed was the son Baba wanted. Amir betrayed his best friend, Hassan, because of his jealousy and always thought he could never life up to his father's expectations. In a way, he blames Baba for his strength and manhood. Amir doesn't feel he has that strength. In the betrayal of Hassan, Amir must move past his own sin to gain atonement; this sin haunts him through his adult life. In becoming a writer, Amir has chosen, he feels, a path that will disappoint his father as their goals always seem at odds. It takes the adult Amir to realize the love that passes between a father and a son endures all!

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In Act III, scene 2, why may the establishment of Claudius's guilt be considered the crisis of the revenge plot?

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