Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Would you have gone with Frank if you were Eveline? Justify your answer.

Only you can answer this question because it is asking for your opinion. I can give you my opinion, but how will that help you?

You need to try to think of yourself as someone like Eveline. Your icon is a male figure, so I'll assume that you're a guy. Try to think of yourself as the oldest son in the family. Your father recently died, and you have a couple of younger siblings. Your mother works, but she doesn't earn enough to support the family, so you have to quit school and go to work. It takes all of your income plus what you can get from your mother just to pay the bills and feed everyone.

Now imagine that you have fallen in love with a beautiful young girl who is moving to another state for a job. She begs you to come with her and start a new life with her. The idea of being free from family responsibilities is very appealing to you, but what would they do without you?

Your girlfriend has already boarded the plane, and you are standing in line at the terminal. Do you go or do you stay? Why? That's what Eveline had to decide.

I hope this helps.

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