Sunday, May 29, 2011

Why is Janie attracted to Tea Cake and why do most of the people in town disapprove of their romance?

Janie is interested in, Vergible Wood or Tea Cake because he is totally different from her first two husbands.  With Tea Cake, she feels young and free, he is younger than her, and this creates a bit of scandal in the town. 

Because Janie has inherited Joe Starks property, she has her own financial status.  She is pursued by a lot of different men, all who have reasons for wanting to marry her.  She doesn't want to be dominated by a man again, that is why Tea Cake is so appealing to her.  He is fun, introduces her to new activites and treats her more like an equal.

He doesn't have the typical attitude of outward domination like other men.

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