Monday, May 23, 2011

I need to create a Macbeth soundtrack, and I need a song for Act 3. If you can think of any songs, please give a quick description.It can be for...

Act III is a turning point.  Macbeth's taste for blood
worsens.  "Blood, they say, will have blood."  Macbeth consults the murderers.  They
kill Banquo, Macbeth's best friend, but not his son.  Fleance flees on horseback.
 Hecate and the witches plot Macbeth's fate.  McDuff and Malcolm loom as Macbeth's

Some suggestion for
your Macbeth Act III soundtrack:

You Want Blood, You Got It" - AC/DC

"Shopping for Blood" -
Franz Ferdinand

"We Suck Young Blood" -

"My Best Friend" -

"Wild Horses" - The Rolling

"Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses" -

"Witchy Woman" - The

"This is England" - The

"Murder by Number" - The

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